The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation Welcomes You!
Sir Arthur C. Clarke was an engineer, futurist and humanist who lived by the precept that it is our personal responsibility to use all our cognitive and creative capabilities to imagine past today to shape a better tomorrow.
The Arthur C. Clarke foundation proudly honors his legacy by sparking our imaginations, and daring to fuse our experience, creativity and expertise to think differently at the annual Unleash Imagination program. We invite you to explore this site for the legacy of Sir Arthur, information on the foundation, and details on this year’s exciting Unleash Imagination evening of events!
Unleash Imagination
Shape the Future
The Annual Unleash Imagination event is comprised of the Arthur C. Clarke Awards program and Clarke Conversation on Imagination every November. Our guests, sponsors and awardees enjoy an interactive cocktail party, dinner, awards program and engaging panel discussion. It’s open to the public, ages 10 and up, but fills up quickly, so early registration is encouraged.
Don’t Miss The 2022 Event!
We are currently selecting our 2022 awardees, here’s how you can get involved:
Submit your nomination for the next Arthur C Clarke Awardee.
Check out this year’s event pics and videos.
Join our mailing list: email us at to receive news and details!
Invite your friends, colleagues, students, teachers, and families to join us, live or online for the 2022 event!
Nominate a Future Awardee!
Now you can place your nomination for a future Arthur C. Clarke awardee candidate. Past awardees range from scientists, science fiction authors, to physicists, business leaders, entrepreneurs and technologists including Elon Musk, Ursula Le Guin, Stephen Hawking, Vinton Cerf, Brian Lamb, George R.R. Martin, CERN and so many more.
Click here for the full list of past awardees, or click below and submit your nomination now!
Pictured,from the left: George R.R. Martin, Margaret Atwood, Martin Rees, Stephen Hawking, Cixin Liu, Jill Tarter, Irwin Jacobs, Mark Dankberg, Fred Ordway III.