2020 Sponsorship Opportunities

The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation is grateful for the all support it has received since its founding in 1983. Help us assure Sir Arthur’s work as an unparalleled synthesis of science, literature, and social concern continues.


2020 Unleash Imagination Clarke Conversation with Ted Chiang, Bill Draper, and Dr. Fabiola Gianotti of CERN

Individual Donor includes participation for two in the live Clarke Conversation featuring Bill Draper, Ted Chiang & CERN.
• Firm/Organization Donor includes participation for five in the live Clarke Conversation. • Opportunity to extend your recognition to one of the Awardees – 1/8 page.
• Includes participation for 10 in the November 12 Clarke Conversation. • Participation for one in one of the three Virtual Table sessions with one of the Awardees following the CC on November 12. • Opportunity to extend your recognition to one of the Awardees – 1/4 page.
• Includes includes credit on all promotional materials for the event and throughout the year on the website and via email. • Participation in the November 12 Clarke Conversation for an unlimited number of your staff. • Participation for one in all three of the Virtual Table sessions with the Awardees following the Clarke Conversation on November 12. • Opportunity to extend your recognition to all of the Awardees – full page.

The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 organization. Questions – contact Monica Morgan, mojomo@verizon.net, 609-933-8442.